The Trouble with Fragrance...


This report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) is just one of many that blew my mind 🀯 and opened my eyes to the lies of the beauty industry that set me on this path all those years ago!

We were having trouble conceiving and it was around that time that I had also decided to start cleaning up my diet. So this totally made sense. My environment needed a big clean up too!

Not going to lie. It wasn’t easy to change.

First stop, fragrance. Probably one of the hardest things I had to give up. If you knew me in my teens/twenties you’d know I had a bit of an obsession with perfumes. I had a scent for every occasion and was proud of my collection amassing my dressing table. I also used to rep for Calvin Klein and would spend long days being one of those annoying β€œspritzer ladies” at Myer…

So I get it. I hear you. β€œDon’t take my perfume away!”

But what if I told you there is an industry wide loophole that exists which can be playing a huge role in keeping you β€œsick”? Whether it be stubborn weight you just can’t shift, frequent headaches or migraines, allergies, sleep issues or even trouble conceiving!

More and more research is revealing a connection…

Wouldn’t you want to know about it so you could minimise your risk of being affected by it? Or better still, your children!?

If so then stay with me!

Since learning what I’m about to share I literally avoid fragrance departments like the plague. Ok a bit dramatic. But you get the point. When I chose to take a look β€œunder the hood” and read reports like these…well, let’s just say, once you know, you can’t UN-know it!

So this is my reminder to you that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. And I’m so grateful for the research that has led me to this point. Like the great Maya Angelou said;

β€œDo the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better".

Ok are you ready?

Here is a summary of the EWG report :

  1. Most chemical ingredients in perfumes and colognes have never been tested for safety.

  2. Chemicals in fragrance/perfume/cologne and "fragranced" products never have to be listed on the product label as they fall under "Intellectual property" guidelines" or "trade secrets".

  3. They almost all contain hormone-disrupting chemicals that mimic the female hormone oestrogen (synthetic oestrogen) sending our hormone signalling into disarray.

  4. Easily absorbed into the skin and accumulate in the body.

  5. Women who are pregnant & wear perfumes & fragrance will expose their child to the chemicals including diethyl phthalates, a common chemical found in perfumes, colognes & fragranced products, linked to abnormal development of reproductive organs in baby boys & sperm damage in men (men now account for almost half of all infertility cases).

  6. Many of the other everyday products we use: shampoos, conditioners, body washes, etc contain these and many other chemicals as well.

  7. There's around 3,100 chemicals that can be used and undisclosed in perfumes and colognes so consumers never truly know what they are putting on their body and in their body almost all of these products contain chemicals known to increase the absorption of ingredients into the skin.

  8. Perfumes, colognes and body sprays have been found by the EWG to contain at least four hormone-disrupting chemicals.

  9. Chemicals in perfumes, colognes, body sprays and other everyday products have been tested in this trial and are clinically proven to interfere with oestrogen, male hormones (androgens) and thyroid hormones.

  10. Toxic to the immune and nervous systems, linked to birth and embryo defects, known carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals), are obesogenic in activity (cause our fat cells to multiply, reprogram our normal cells to become fat cells), are toxic to our nervous system, in particular our brain and linked to hormone disruption, infertility & more.

What are your thoughts?

Do you find this overwhelming or is minimising your exposure to synthetic fragrances more achievable now that you know what’s at stake?

Tell me in the comments below or over on insta.

Sarah x

P.s. Find out more about how toxins can impact your health, particularly your weight, bY downloading my FREE eguide here!

I’m a huge proponent of sharing my research and experience to help others on their journey. My mission is always to help shine a light on areas we’re not often taught! Areas that can greatly impact our health and the generations to come. As with everything I share there is no judgement on anyone, just the hope that the information empowers you to make even just the slightest change for the benefit of your health. Too many people are suffering unnecessarily if only they’d been given the WHOLE picture, they could have made more informed choices. The biggest mistake you can make is beating yourself up for any past decisions once you learn something new. We are all doing the best we can with what we know xx