Adjusting your Mindset to Achieve Results

Originally published 25/4/19

Originally published 25/4/19

Did you know that what you think day in and day out has the power to create the life you live?

As ancient philosopher Plato once said;

Reality is created by the mind, we can change our reality by changing our mind

With up to 70,000 thoughts running through our minds each day, it can be sooo easy to talk ourselves out of the dreams and desires we have for our lives. Especially when we consider that 80% of our thoughts are negative & fear based (designed to keep us ‘safe’). Some might say ‘unfairly’ that of those thoughts 80-90% of them are also repeating beliefs/programming/past conditioning! So when you think of where you are in life today, it is basically a construct of your thought patterns. 

So how do we get out of our heads and start tapping into our heart’s desires so we can move forward in what we want to achieve?

1. Awareness: Recognise the resistance that stops you from moving forward

Neuroscience has shown us that our thoughts are physical! Like branches on a tree, these neural pathways get stronger and thicker when repeated. Bringing awareness to any negative thought or limiting belief is the first step to creating change. For example, instead of saying “I don’t have time to meal plan or cook” or “I’m a terrible cook” and therefore abandon the action of cooking, examine those thoughts with curiosity and be kind to yourself in the process. Perhaps there is an underlying belief that you might fail, or a past experience resulted in some criticism that has impacted your confidence in the kitchen. 

Because of this it’s easy to self sabotage our efforts to reach our goals.

So take a step back and ask yourself if what you are currently doing is serving you? And if not, explore ways you can make a change. Ask yourself why you are resisting taking action. And if it’s time based, look at your schedule and figure out where you can move things around. Remember that these are just stories we tell ourselves and we can choose to change them!

2. Know your why

Having a deep sense of purpose for the change you wish to make is crucial in being able to show up when the going gets tough. Why is being healthy important to you? What action can you take each day to move you closer to that goal? Writing it out on post it notes and sticking it around the house or wherever you’re likely to see it can be a great way to remind yourself of why you are on this path. 

3. Create new habits: Act as if

Start acting as if you are already that person who makes healthy choices/moves their body/journals/makes time for self care – whatever it is!  Check in with yourself and ask whether the next step or decision is going to help or hinder your results.

Schedule in daily routines that will get you one step closer to your over arching vision and find a support person to keep yourself accountable to taking daily action.  By taking personal responsibility for your life and not allowing the old habits to take over, you will start to see change. 

Be kind to yourself – you are changing years and years of conditioned thoughts that are very ingrained and this will take time to rewire, as long as you make the time. Commit to one change at a time and master it. As you take action your new positive thoughts will start to become part of your subconscious and in turn become new habits that you don’t even need to think twice about! Just like brushing your teeth 

4. Visualise your dream life: Be childlike again!

Over time we learn to suppress our inner child. I challenge you to stop and focus on where you wish to be at various times in your day to the exact detail that you can really FEEL it. Whether it’s enjoying a run around the park with your kids because you are fit and strong on a beautiful sunny day with boundless energy or cooking a delicious whole foods feast for your partner because you have practiced cooking to the point that it is now second nature. Whatever it is dream it and believe that you can have it. You don’t need to know the HOW – things will start to flow when you have the belief in yourself.  Your brain doesn’t know what is actually real, so start to program these feelings into your mind.  There’s a reason visualisation is a key aspect of pro athletes! It works!

5. Have a gratitude practice

When we focus on what we already have and are thankful, we expand our consciousness. We start to become more and more aware of all that is good in our lives which shifts our perspective in a positive direction. Once you start noticing how much good there is, you literally change the cells in your body and become more uplifted!

Replace fear, anger, sadness, jealousy, self pity, worry with gratitude. Then watch and see just how amazing your life really is and what you start to attract.


You can eat all the kale in the world, but if you don’t catch your thoughts and start to be more intentional about renewing your mind, you will most likely stay just as you are.  Feelings of overwhelm, stress, doubt and demotivation can come out of this place.  So it is not only exciting but incredibly empowering that we can CHOOSE to be victors over our lives.  That despite our past conditioning, and experiences, we can start to become better versions of ourselves.