Some Things are Worth the Wait!

Originally published 5/8/16

Originally published 5/8/16

I’m having a baby!!

For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you would have heard the news a few months ago. It’s just taken me that long to get back here!

Hubby and I are so grateful for this blessing from above and the perfect timing that it has come to us. I truly believe that some things really are worth the wait.

I have to say though, since finding out about our incredible news, it has nearly totally consumed me. So much so, I’ve been dying to get back to the blog to start sharing all about this new and amazing journey.  So here I am.  Now, bare with me as I rev up this old engine again!

This year has shaped up to be a pretty big one but not just with our little human on the way. We settled our house, currently being built interstate as an investment, the balancing act of part time study and a full time job has been going really well, and our support network of friends in Sydney is the best it’s ever been. Falling preggas has obviously been the highlight though!  I’ve found it’s also really opened up my eyes to a new world. There’s an even bigger desire within my heart now to see a better world. One that our children’s children can enjoy, and it starts now…in pregnancy.  Interestingly, research has shown that what we do and eat during pregnancy can effect generations to come!

So I’ve found myself embarking on a sort of wellness growth spurt. You could say I’m on a bit of a crusade to find healthier alternatives to household items and beauty products that I never really gave as much thought to in the past.

My focus has always been and will continue to be about nourishing the body with nutrient dense whole foods, but it has to be a natural progression to want to know not just where your food came from but also all of these other products we use day to day? Right?  Again, you may have seen some of my posts on social media about such issues as Palm Oil and the environmental disaster it is creating on our planet. I suppose it makes sense that this is a path I am travelling as I prepare for the imminent arrival of our bundle of joy!

So, I made a decision at the start of the year to detox the home of all these highly toxic and chemical laden products lying around like sprays, wipes, disinfectants including toilet cleaner, deodorants, dishwashing liquids and even my beloved candles!

Now I’m learning more about the benefits of using natural products such as essential oils, aromatherapy, castile oil and vinegar, much of which I hope to share with you more about soon. So from better nutrition to household and beauty products, you could say I am bursting to help anyone who will listen/read about all the incredible health benefits they bring.  Not just for you, but for your unborn child and this beautiful planet we call home!

I have thoroughly enjoyed exploring all the fascinating topics of pregnancy to childbirth. Including the ‘fourth trimester’ (yeah, I had no idea there was one!)  The benefits of cloth nappies vs disposable nappies, wooden toys vs plastic toys, why breast is best and how to birth as naturally as possible in the hope of minimising some unnecessary interventions of the medical system. (Yes, you will be surprised at how unnecessary they can actually be).  All in an effort to help educate myself on ways that can help give bubs the best start to life outside the womb. I’ve been trawling through inspiring stories of birth and read more in depth about the many birth options available to women that I really wish my GP had told me from the start! Options such as midwifery groups and birth centres vs obstetric private practice, low risk vs high risk, what a doula is, and how there is such thing as natural pain relief.  So stay tuned as I reveal these details in weeks to come.

The plan was to sit down and recap my first trimester, in my second trimester…But here I am, unbelievably, in my THIRD trimester!  I know it’s so clichéd but seriously, where does time go?! Still, hubby and I are so friggin’ excited at just how close we are now to meeting lil’ bubba.

Anyway, this is what went down in my first trimester:

How I felt:

Pretty fit and well until about 10-13 weeks when suddenly the nausea hit me and I found myself on the couch more often than not, unable to think about cooking, or doing anything for that matter! Fortunately there was never an urge to puke. But the exhaustion was pretty weird.

Night leg cramps, particularly in my right calf, started to kick in every so often. Always fun at 3am in the morning! The need to pee during the night is definitely not a myth! Even now, it still gets me. Bye-bye undisturbed sleep.  I’m officially in training for what is to come.  Other than that I had nothing much to complain about. Definitely one of the lucky ones!

My diet:

My love for fresh produce started to dwindle as my palate changed substantially. Sadly I couldn’t even look at a green smoothie let alone try to make one.  The only thing I really loved was fruit!  Thankfully something fresh and it was usually oranges.  It was a massive shock to feel that way about greens though!

Hot foods were on the menu as I tried to steer clear of any risk of toxoplasma or listeria often linked to salad that isn’t properly washed.  So it was usually roast veggies or lentils that would end up on my plate.  Skipping deli meats and soft cheeses was easy for me.  Bubs starting taking my iron so that meant more good quality meats were back in, particularly as I just wasn’t getting the quantity of greens I would normally try to eat, nor was I prepared well enough.  Meal prepping was out the window.

As it was close to Easter, the only real ‘craving’ I would say I had was for fresh hot cross buns!  There were a couple of Saturdays where I literally kicked hubby out the door to go hunt and gather some!! (I don’t think he was too upset by that don’t worry).

I also started taking lots of good quality and recommended supplements, which I’m still taking to this day, as per below.

Devouring salads and cultured foods like no ones business at 6 weeks pregnant

Devouring salads and cultured foods like no ones business at 6 weeks pregnant

How I tried to stay healthy:

  • Minimised the urge to have chocolate by swapping it with fresh fruit or dark chocolate.

  • Since a craving for chocolate can mean a deficiency in magnesium, and to help ward off those dreaded leg cramps, I started taking magnesium supplements for a boost. And I’m happy to report it has done wonders!

  • Took every chance I had to move my body. Walking was so good, and I swear by pre-natal yoga! It wasn’t until my 2nd trimester that I started to do a little work at the gym, but honestly yoga has been what my body has responded to best.

  • Prioritising veggie dishes as much as possible. Admittedly some days were better than others! But sometimes it just meant I had to sneak in as many veggies as possible into smoothies, soups and stir fries (particularly once the taste buds returned to normal)

  • Keeping hydrated with 2L of water a day minimum!

  • Loads of cat naps and rest which really helped energy levels

  • Beautiful relaxing soaks in warm magnesium salt baths – again to aid the achy legs

Me at 7 weeks pregnant and without a care in the world!

Me at 7 weeks pregnant and without a care in the world!

Lessons learnt:

It’s not worth bashing yourself up over a couple of slices of pizza or chocolate. I let it happen, enjoyed the moment, and then made priorities to ensure 80-90% of my daily choices were filled with living foods that would provide bubs and I with the best nutrition possible. Including quality protein from animal and plant based sources and plenty of vitamins and minerals. I was also really mindful of the fact that what you eat during pregnancy can shape baby’s taste preferences in the future! Amazing.

Also, pregnancy is not a reason to ‘eat for two’. It’s all about quality over quantity.  But I think Gowri Motha really sums it up best when she said:

It’s a common misconception that “eating for two” refers to the amount of food you should eat while you are pregnant. What it really means is that you need a nutrient-rich diet to consume all of the vitamins and minerals needed for both you and your growing baby.

So here’s to the next phase.  Countdown is officially on as I approach 37 weeks gestation.  Exciting times ahead.