Coconut Chia and Mango Pudding

Originally published 14/1/16

Originally published 14/1/16

Happy New Year!  I hope you are all enjoying a great start to 2016.  I thought I would kick off the new year with a fresh and oh-so-simple chia pudding recipe.

Chia pudding was one of the first foods to get me hooked on this new healthy way of life.  Being half asian, I was a bit of a sucker for the often sugar laden tapioca and sago types of puddings as a kid.  So this superfood version was an exciting discovery.  It is just the best alternative and can be eaten any time of the day really…you choose!

So what exactly is chia pudding, or chia porridge as it is sometimes referred to?  Basically, it’s a heap of tiny chia seeds mixed with your milk of choice, left to sit (generally in the fridge for a refreshing yet hearty meal) until the seeds swell and have absorbed most of the liquid.  It’s as simple as that.  Of course, I wouldn’t be doing my duty if I didn’t tell you about some of the amazing health benefits chia has to offer.  Gram for gram chia seeds contain more iron than spinach, more potassium than bananas and more omega-3 fatty acids than wild salmon!!!  A pretty humble seed indeed and all the more reason to include it as part of a healthy diet.

Thanks to it’s ever growing popularity, chia can now be found on most supermarket shelves.  But I strongly encourage you to get the organic, fair-trade kind often stocked at any good health food store.

Here is my super quick chia pud recipe that will help you skate out the door in the morning – enjoy!

Serves 1


  • 3 Tbs chia seeds

  • 1 cup coconut milk

  • ½ tsp vanilla powder

  • 1 tsp maple syrup

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • ¼ cup granola

  • chopped mango

  • handful of blueberries

  • handful of pomegranate seeds

  • sprinkle of hemp seeds


  1. Pour the chia seeds and milk into a glass jar. With a teaspoon stir vigirously so that there are no clumps.

  2. Add the vanilla powder, cinnamon and maple syrup and stir again until all ingredients are well combined.

  3. Leave to set for 10-15mins in the fridge or overnight.

  4. Chop the mango and have it ready to layer.

  5. In another glass jar or tumbler, add in the granola, then the mango and blueberries, before adding another layer of the chia pudding.

  6. Garnish with pomegrantes (mine were left over from a salad) and hemp seeds (for extra boost of omega 3s)

coconut chia pud.jpg