We can do all of the meditation and relaxation techniques possible, but we will always experience stressful events each day. We may not be able to control our surroundings, but we can control how we respond when things don't go our way.

Excessive stress can contribute to conflict at work and home and even lead to an increased risk of health issues. So it's important that we manage how we react to stress -- if we can find healthy ways to work through it, our relationships and our health will inevitably benefit. 


Get into community.

Spending time with those in our support system will be a welcome distraction from the stressors of everyday life. These friends and family may also give a new perspective on stressful events we are be experiencing. 


Find a hobby.

Finding a relaxing or energizing activity can be a great way to channel and alleviate stress.


Become a volunteer.

Find a charity or organization and spend some time doing good for those in need. By serving others, we take the spotlight off of ourselves and spend our time helping those in the community.


Try yoga or pilates

There's a reason many people rave about the grounding benefits of yoga and a slower pilates sesh. Incorporating this as a daily or weekly practice allows for at least one hour of quiet, away from the world's worries.

Be mindful of bedtime.

Create a mindful routine that doesn't involve screens for the ultimate night of sleep. Spray the sheets with lavender, take a warm bath, have some hot tea, and read a book before you get that full eight hours.

Move more.

Instead of sitting at a desk all day, make time to walk around the block or choose to take the stairs. Finding ways to move more often gives us a healthy way to expel stress.

Track goals.

Keeping track of accomplishments can help to remind us that life isn't really as bad as our hard day might try to convince us it is.

Stay grateful.

Spend a few minutes each day journaling about all of the good in life. When something hard comes up, the blessings we have are top of mind.

Make life easier.

Actively choosing to eat healthily, not overspend and take time for therapy will set our future self up for success and resilience. Illness, debt, and emotional baggage can further exacerbate how we handle minor daily hiccups.


Learn to say no.

Doing things we don't want to do can often be a significant source of stress. If we verbalize our current priorities, it is much easier to realize what does and doesn't fit into that narrative. This keeps us from overcommitting and then resenting others and ourselves.

All of these little things that happen each day can knock us down, but they don't have to. Staying positive may not always seem easy, but we can make it easier on ourselves by taking care of our mental, physical and emotional health.