Kombucha Vitamin C Gummies


Ditch the ultra processed vitamin gummies on supermarket shelves and opt in to the fun, easy to make, gut loving kind!

Making our own gummies is definitely one of our fave and fun ways to get an added boost of vitamins and minerals. The kiddies love them…and the ‘big kids’ do too of course! ;)

So what makes these the healthier option?

Well, firstly, unlike the store bought kind they are free of refined sugars, low quality gelatine, sucralose (aka splenda), vegetable oils or artificial colours and flavours!

Making gummies is a great way to sneak in an extra dose of vitamin C (not the isolated kind found in commercial supplements) because we can use WHOLE foods. I love using the amazing superfood Camu Camu which has the highest amount of vitamin C content than any other food. This is available from most healthy bulk foods stores. I talk more about this and other great ways to strengthen the immune system here.

We have to remember that nature has vitamins perfectly packaged in a way that helps our bodies to absorb them. Isolated forms of vitamin C lack the other important array of co factors and enzymes that work synergistically with the body.

I know it can be hard not just for our kids, but for our busy selves to eat enough of the right foods to get a sufficient amount of these nutrients into our diet to boost immunity, so that’s where these babies are a fun way to get them in.

The type of gelatin matters

What makes these gut loving is the premium quality, sustainable, grass fed beef gelatin. The kombucha also helps to flavour the gummies and give us a little boost of beneficial bacteria and microbes which is important for a healthy gut.

As Cyndi O’Meara, Nutritionist, says; gelatin was a regular part of the traditional diet, but in the modern world, nose to tail eating is no longer as common, meaning we miss out on the wonderful amino acids that were available in the bones, skin and joints of the animal.

It’s worth knowing that there is a difference between gelatin and collagen. Gelatin is derived from the break down of collagen. The main difference between them is that gelatin contains “gelling” or ‘setting’ properties which collagen doesn’t have. A good example is bone broths or meat stocks. When we simmer down the bones, joints and meat we get collagen which further breaks down into gelatin. Hence why it will be gelatinous when cooled in the fridge (depending on what you have used in your stock). This is awesome for the gut and contains some very important amino acids which help heal/strengthen the gut lining. Powdered gelatin is obviously a little different in that it is sourced and then dried - turning back into a gel like consistency when mixed with water.

In case you were wondering, both collagen powder and gelatin powder are flavourless! 

Gelatin is protein rich and some of the health benefits include:

  • Smoother, more hydrated skin

  • Improved digestion

  • Improved skin, bone and joint health

  • Restoration of gut lining

  • Improved quality of sleep

Teaming gelatin with yummy flavors from fruits especially those containing vitamin C not only makes them delish but increases the bioavailability of all these nourishing nutrients!

So go buy some cute silicon moulds, get your gelatin on and ditch those nasty sugar laden artificial colours and flavour gummies from the store 🙅🏻‍♀️

My preferred brand is one that does not slash and burn the Amazon - so if this is something you care about, look into this Aussie sourced brand GelPro. Unfortunately, the truth is many and most brands source their collagen and gelatin from Brazil and if it’s not on the label, then it’s highly likely it’s from South America. This goes for the ‘grass fed’ marketing that can make things tricky. Sometimes this isn’t entirely true and we need to be wary that grain fed cattle mean there is contamination by way of glyphosate - the herbicide and crop desiccant best avoided if we want to support our gut health.

Makes approx 45-50 gummies depending on size of moulds.


  • Juice of one orange freshly squeezed (about 1/2 cup)

  • 3 1/2 Tbs of good quality gelatin

  • 1/4 cup filtered water

  • 1 cup kombucha (I love Remedy Kombucha’s Ginger and Lemon for these gummies)

  • 1-2 tsp Camu Camu or vitamin C powder (check directions for what is suitable for you)

  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder (gives it that nice orange colour) - optional

  • 1/2 Tbs Manuka or raw organic honey (for best nutritional profile)

  • 1-2 drops food grade pure lemon essential oil

Other great ingredients to pimp these gummies:
1-2 tsp liposomal C powder or native vitamin C in place of regular vitamin C powder
1 tsp grated ginger
1 lemon rind
A couple of drops of on guard, wild orange or lime pure essential oil (yell out if you want to get your hands on the world’s purest!)


  1. Freshly squeeze the juice of one orange and set aside.

  2. Mix the gelatin and water together in a small bowl and set it aside to bloom.

  3. When the gelatin has thickened add to a small saucepan and stir on low heat.

  4. Once the gelatin has dissolved take off the heat to cool a little before adding the rest of the ingredients. Vitamin C is sensitive to heat so we don’t want to add that until mixture has cooled. If you are making them in a colder climate be careful not to leave it to cool too long as it can set!!

  5. Whisk until no lumps.

  6. Pour the mixture into fun silicone moulds (make sure moulds are placed on a tray or chopping board when transferring to the fridge aka prevent spillage!) or into a glass container and refrigerate for 1hr min. Freezing them for 20mins or so also works, just be careful not to freeze them - you want them squishy.

  7. Once jelly has set, remove and pop out the gummies or slice into small squares.

  8. Store in the fridge in an airtight container. They melt in warm temp.

Note: If you like your gummies soft, add another 1/4 cup filtered water. You could also strain the liquid through a sieve to catch any pith from the orange if you prefer.
I recommend tasting the mixture and adjust sweetness (or citrus) as needed.


P.S Most of these ingredients can be sourced from your local health food or bulk store. If you live in NSW Mr Vitamins (previously Healthy Life) have a good range.
