Banana, Cinnamon and Maple Porridge (Oatmeal)

Originally published 24/10/15

Originally published 24/10/15

It’s been a busy few months for me again balancing the work and study load.  But I’m feeling motivated to start writing as consistently as I can manage, particularly after hearing some inspirational speakers at the first ever Business Chicks expo ‘9 to Thrive‘ earlier today!  This was a 2 day exhibition with some awesome and very well known speakers such as Sarah Wilson, Dr Libby, Michelle Bridges, and Jules Sebastian.  Think health, wealth and lifestyle all under the one roof.  Amazing.  Unfortunately I could only make it to the Saturday sessions, but it definitely didn’t disappoint!

What resonated with me most over the course of the day was to let go of fears which might hold you back from moving forward and being the best version of you.  I suppose that resonated with me particularly because I feel having a blog is what nearly everyone is doing these days so what makes mine so special and how can it make a difference in anyone’s life when there are SO many awesome, better written, better looking sites already out there?!  Well, anyway, as I’ve come to appreciate more and more, there is only one me, as there is you.

Each of us have our own uniqueness…God given talents, gifts, perspectives and stories to share!

So just get on with it, don’t give up and don’t be intimidated by what others are doing, or think.  Or, what you think others think. That was a bit ‘inception-y’ ha!  Anyway, so here I am bearing my soul to the world, and it hopefully resonates with anyone reading this who might be experiencing a similar thing.  That is, fear of moving forward or analysis paralysis.  Make the time to do what you love.  Keep dreaming.  This is my pledge.

Ok, enough of the deep stuff, let’s get back to some food!  

With limited time in the kitchen lately, I’ve been all about trying to make quick and easy but nutritious meals.  One thing I talk a lot about is breakfast.  As a reformed breakfast skipper I place a high priority on what goes in my bowl or on my plate first thing in the morning.  

Ultimately, this is the fuel to set me up for the day ahead.


If you follow me on instagram you may have seen my post a few weeks back of what is a really simple banana and blueberry porridge.  It’s an absolute go-to during the colder months, with it’s creamy and oh-so-satisfying flavour.  Not to mention, super filling.  

If you’re worried about oats because of any gluten sensitivities then be sure to substitute the oats for quinoa flakes, which are naturally gluten free.  If not, go and invest in an organic, GMO and gluten free variety!  Try to go for rolled oats too, which are less processed than quick oats.

Although summer is nearly on our doorstep, here’s what’s been keeping me fuelled most mornings over the past few months.  It’s a pretty basic recipe that you really can dress up any which way!  Go crazy.  Enjoy x


  • 1.5 cups rolled oats

  • 1 cup almond milk

  • ¾ cup coconut milk

  • 2 Tsp cinnamon

  • 1.5 Tbs maple syrup

  • 1 banana

  • 2 Tbs chia seeds

  • handful blueberries


  1. Place oats, almond milk and coconut milk into saucepan and bring to the boil.

  2. Chop half the banana and add it to the saucepan with the cinnamon, maple syrup, chopped banana and chia seeds.

  3. Turn heat down to low and simmer until oats become soft and creamy. Add more milk if it starts to dry up.

  4. Serve into bowls once you are happy with the consistency.

  5. Top with the remaining banana and some blueberries.