Sarah Sanders
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I help Go getter women REverse Symptoms of chronic stress

so that they can thrive in their professional and personal lives


Hey I’m Sarah!

Certified holistic health coach, Naturopath in training, mama, sci fi nerd and all ‘round hippie at heart!

After 8 years of climbing the corporate ladder I found myself completely burnt out. I was stressed, exhausted, anxious and at a loss with my health.

It wasn’t until I hit my rock bottom and ended up in hospital (and told my symptoms could be in my head!?) that I decided to tread another path.

I found another way which focused on root cause healing. Instead of the bandaid approach of masking symptoms, I was able to uncover the real message my symptoms were trying to tell me! Soon I felt lighter, happier, and more in control of my health. Now I want to empower you to do the same.

My mission is to help you look at the holistic picture of your health. To take the necessary steps for YOU so that you can start feeling better and carry out the work you were designed to do in the world xx